About Us….

Sisters Patti Hershwitzky and mary ott, living on opposite coasts and in different ways,, nearly a generation apart in age, discovered similar experiences while seeking Truth and Love.  Among those shared commonalities was that their return to the Church, at its roots, arose from blossoming Faith germinated in the soul.  From a steadfast stem, buds of Hope grew, along with the perfume of Charity.   Ultimately they wrote a book: Speaking One’s Soul. (Enroute Books and Media)

They now seek to share the “secrets” of what they affectionately call the Marian Garden through a website, as well by which women may gather, but men as well, to grow their own authentically spiritual lives in the midst of a weedy, thorny secular world.  In turn, may they share their gardens with their families, neighbors, and the world.

A major emphasis is on the reality that good growth and beautiful flowers germinate only by God’s will and Divine Mercy.  So humility is the humus that is laid down first.